COVID-19 Booster Vaccinations

Sunday October 16, 2022 Yesterday I received the covid-19 bivalent vaccine produced by Pfizer-BioNTech. The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has approved two updated bivalent boosters — the Pfizer and Moderna variants. Bivalent boosters are supposed to shield against the original covid-19 virus as well as the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 variants. I thought … Read more

Nuclear Energy for Net Zero Carbon?

03/12/2021 Lately I’ve been having a lot of discussions with colleagues about various pathways to net zero carbon as we undertake the arduous task of preparing the US’s nationally-determined contributions to greenhouse gas emission reductions under the Paris Agreement. One topic which keeps bubbling to the surface is the role of nuclear energy. There is … Read more

Covid-19: Jumping the Line for Vaccination?

01/01/2021 Happy New Year. 2020 was a challenging year. 2021 will have its new set of challenges. Foreign Policy reported on a story bubbling at the US State Department that certain Trump administration political appointees were jumping to the head of the line to receive covid-19 vaccinations. Of course there were official denials, but where … Read more