It’s cold outside. Even the trees think it’s cold. This morning it was 10F here in Kansas City. Over the coming weekend the temperature is supposed to drop to -10F. I don’t want to go outside and, thankfully, I don’t have to. Covid-19 has made me realize how lucky I am. Unlike many other people, in sectors ranging from health care to logistics and service, I am able to work from home, where I have plenty of space and few interruptions. It’s a privilege I am acutely aware of.
Yesterday my wife pointed me to an article in the New York Times about the effect of the pandemic on women who are simultaneously trying to advance their careers, maintain their family incomes, along with managing households and now dealing with children who are engaged in remote learning due to school closures. It’s a near impossible burden.
We can do better. Figuring out how to help mothers is thankfully gaining more attention. For example, Reshma Saujani, the founder of Girls Who Code, recently spearheaded an open letter in hopes of prompting the Biden administration to implement a “Marshall Plan for Moms,” which would include paying mothers and passing policies addressing parental leave, affordable childcare, and pay equity. It would be a good start.